Case Histories
For a wide range of health practitioners who work with pain and/or addiction (doctors, nurses, psychologists, psychiatrists, physiotherapists, chiropractors, dentists, social workers, and addiction counsellors), Bio-electrode Therapy can be a valuable addition to their armamentarium of treatments. Following are examples of some of the conditions I've successfully treated in my clinical practice using this system.
1. Opioid/heroin withdrawal
A 30-year-old African American male heroin addict came in for treatment on his fourth day of withdrawal in detox. He presented with muscle ache, sweating, and joint pain, and a level of discomfort of 8 or 9/10. He was moody, anxious, and depressed. What I’ve come to call the “Opposite Side Foot/Hand Meridian Pairs Method” was employed, with discs placed on all Jing-Well points of his left foot and all points on his right hand. He stated that he experienced complete relief from discomfort “right away,” and that he felt calm, clear-headed, and very comfortable. This client was always eager for additional treatments, and said it helped with his sleep.
2. Flu (Influenza)
A 48-year-old Caucasian female, complaining of severe flu. She was feeling very miserable. Her symptoms included high fever, runny nose, sore throat, muscle ache, headache, coughing, sneezing, and feeling tired. These symptoms are very similar to opioid withdrawal so I thought I might experiment and try the opioid protocol (Opposites Side Foot/Hand Meridian Pairs Method) to see if this treatment might relieve some of her discomfort. After placing the electrodes on her fingers and toes she stated her headache was gone. Also, she felt relaxed and comfortable and her muscle ache and sniffles seemed to disappear. Generally, she said she felt so much better. She returned several days later and said that she had been completely relieved of her flu symptoms for two whole days, until she removed the electrodes. When the electrodes were removed, many of the flu symptoms returned. She was so surprised and impressed by the dramatic relief but then two days later, the sudden return of her flu symptoms.
I believe the basic Bio-electrode treatment protocol was able to balance her electrolytes and relieve the symptoms of the flu as long as the discs were in place. This rapid response to this common and debilitating condition requires much more research to explore the potential benefits for diseases with the same basic symptomatology. These physical signs and symptoms are the common denominator in a great number of other diseases. Could a simple electrolyte imbalance be the root cause of all these symptoms?
3. Amputations and phantom limb pain
A 40-year old Caucasian female with a left leg mid-femur amputation arrived at our outpatient clinic in her wheelchair. She had acquired an MRSA infection in her knee after a knee replacement operation which eventually resulted in the amputation of her left leg. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection is caused by a type of staph bacteria that’s become resistant to many of the antibiotics used to treat ordinary staph infections. This patient complained of severe and intermittent shooting nerve pain in her stump and phantom limb pain. This pain was preventing her from getting adequate sleep. Electrodes were placed on all the Jing-Well points of her right hand. Immediate cessation of both the nerve pain and the phantom limb pain was experienced. The pain returned when the discs fell off the following day. Cessation of pain was achieved when the treatment was repeated. Since she would require further treatments before the electrolytes were balanced in the extremely traumatized tissues, this client was instructed on how to apply the electrodes to permanently eliminate the nerve and phantom limb pain. Such a simple treatment for relieving such extreme pain and trauma has vast implications for amputees around the world.
4. Severe injury and pain in left ankle
Steve D. was a 33-year old veteran soldier who had acted as a Canadian peacekeeper during the Bosnian war. Steve was attending our residential treatment for his addiction to opioids. During his military service, Steve had stepped on a landmine known as a “Bouncing Betty,” a device intended to severely maim. Steve froze, immediately aware of his dire plight. He described how he eventually attempted to minimize injury or death by falling back while keeping foot pressure on the mine till the last moment. His left ankle was severely injured, requiring surgically implanted metal plates and screws to hold the bones in place. For ten years, Steve experienced chronic pain, inflammation, and swelling in his ankle. PTSD and chronic pain led to his use of opiates. All the ankle meridians were affected by this severe injury. Using the Opposite Sides Foot/ Hand Meridian Pairs Method, all the Jing-Well points of the left foot and right hand were treated. This treatment resulted in complete relief from pain, and Steve was able to walk comfortably without pain for the first time in a decade. The inflammation and swelling receded shortly after the application of the electrodes. He was instructed to keep the electrodes attached and was taught how to treat himself with Bio-electrode Therapy in the future. As long as the discs were attached, the cells and tissues at the site of injury were being effectively treated as the electrolytes were being balanced. Warmth and tingling sensations were experienced in the foot during the treatment, with cessation of all pain upon completion of the treatment.
NOTE: Because of the plates and screws that would continue to irritate the tissues in Steve’s ankle, he may require ongoing or periodic application of electrodes to maintain electrolyte balance in the tissues of the ankle. This treatment method would also be effective for detoxification and withdrawal from his pain medications.
5. Arthritis, pain in both knees
A 60-year old Caucasian female, a former athlete, was attending our community health center outpatient program. She was experiencing chronic pain in both knees on both sides of the patella or kneecap (i.e., along the Stomach and Spleen meridians). A treatment was applied to the end points (Stomach and Spleen Jing-Well points) of both feet and the opposite side hands, (Large Intestine and Lung) using the Opposite Sides Foot and Hand Meridian Pairs Method, i.e., attaching discs on the connecting paired meridians. Immediate and complete relief of pain was achieved in both knees.
6. Sciatica
Mary C., at Heartwood Treatment Center for Women, was a 50-year-old African American woman seeking help with a poly-drug habit. She complained of severe sciatic pain in her left hip, which radiated down the lateral side of her leg. She rated her level of pain and discomfort at 8/10. It was determined that the source of her pain was affecting her left hip Gall Bladder meridian and possibly the Bladder meridian. I used the Opposite Side Foot/Hand Meridian Pairs Method. When asked to walk around and stretch, she stated that she no longer felt any pain. Forty minutes later, when asked again about her discomfort, she again stated she had none. Mary claimed that the pain was completely relieved as long as the electrodes were in place. When the electrodes fell off, the pain would return, suggesting that the process of balancing the electrolytes in the injured and/or diseased tissues was incomplete, and required further treatments. Mary’s condition was of years-long duration and would require ongoing Bio-electrode Therapy to completely restore the afflicted tissues. Mary attended the acupuncture sessions regularly during her stay in residential treatment.
7. Gout
Linda P. was a 63-year old woman with gout. She had a painful, inflamed, and disfigured joint on the large toe of her left foot. This condition was very painful, giving her difficulty in walking or wearing any shoes. She rated her pain at 8/10. For the treatment of her gout, it was clear that the Spleen meridian was the most affected meridian. Note that there are two meridians in the large toe. In such cases, the condition or disease will often spread from the tissues affecting one meridian (in this case, SP 1) to those affecting the adjacent meridian (LV 1). At these times, you may achieve success by treating only one meridian, but if pain remains in the joint after treating the points, treat the adjacent meridian as well. For Linda’s condition, the Opposite Side Foot/ Hand Meridian Pairs Method was used on the left side Spleen meridian, using the Opposite Side Foot/Hand Meridian Pairs Method. This treatment resulted in an immediate and complete relief of pain.
8. Shin splints, also known as Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS)
A 30-year old Caucasian female complained of shin splints, stating that she was unable to continue her exercise running routine due to the severity of pain in both shins. She rated her level of pain at a 7/10. The Spleen and Stomach meridians were involved in both legs. I chose the Opposite Sides Foot/Hand Meridian Pairs Method. Immediate and complete relief of pain was experienced. There was no return of pain in her shins when seen a week and then two weeks later, while resuming her running routine.
9. Umbilical hernia
A 35-year-old Aboriginal female with a poly drug dependence was attending detox. She complained of pain from a right-side abdominal umbilical hernia, reporting a pain index of 4 or 5/10 with occasional flare ups of 9/10. She had lost considerable weight (from 187 to 100 pounds) over the previous six months because of her addiction. The hernia pain was located on the right-side abdomen along the stomach meridian, so the Opposite Sides Foot/Hand Meridian Pairs Method was chosen. A single copper disc was placed on her right-foot Stomach Jing-Well point. At this point, the client stated that she already experienced complete relief from of pain and discomfort, as well as a sense of relaxation and wellbeing. I completed the treatment by placing a silver disc on the left-hand Large Intestine Jing-Well point.
NOTE: Although usually two electrodes are required to create the micro-current, this case demonstrates that a single copper electrode placed on a Jing-Well point can sometimes affect a meridian and provide relief.
10. Endometriosis
Laura, a 28-year-old Caucasian woman was attending an all-woman, three-month treatment center program. This woman was experiencing severe endometriosis. The Opposite Sides Foot/Hand Meridian Pairs Method was chosen, targeting the Liver meridian. Pain relief was achieved and sustained for as long as the electrodes were in place. The pain would return when the discs were removed when washing hands and bathing. Relief from the pain was again achieved when the discs were reapplied. After three months of regular treatment, the electrodes were removed and the pain did not return. Mission accomplished: When the pain does not return, the balancing of electrolytes in the diseased tissues is complete and tissue damage repaired.
NOTE: The Liver, Spleen, Stomach, and Bladder meridians all pass through the gynecological organs, and in any gynecological ailment one or more of these meridians may be affected and require treatment.